Sweepers Get Only Ghc180 But MoF Transfers GHc27 Million From MMDA's Account To Zoomlion Every Month.

Zoomlion Sweepers working

Manasseh Azure Awuni claims that the Ministry of Finance makes monthly payments to Zoomlion Ghana Limited totalling more than Gh27 million from the account of Ghana's Municipality District Assemblies.

The sum is intended to cover the cost of 45,000 sweepers employed by the Zoomlion firm.

According to Manasseh, Zoomlion only pays each sweeper Ghs180 while keeping Ghs420 in "Management Fees" from the Ghs600 the government pays Zoomlion for each sweeper.

The journalist is pleading with Rebecca Akufo-Addo, the first lady, to take action to protect the 45,000 sweepers who are only paid Ghs180 out of a total of Ghs600.

Read Mr Azure’s petition to First Lady:

Dear Mrs Rebecca Akufo-Addo,

I come to you to intervene to save about 45,000 Ghanaians who are being treated like slaves by your husband and a businessman whose activities are drenched in corruption.

The state of Ghana is responsible for recruiting and paying the sweepers of markets from Keta to Paga. The money to pay them is deducted from the Common Fund of the district assemblies even before the allocations to the assemblies are made.

Instead of allowing the assemblies’ sanitation departments to supervise the sweepers, the government has entered into a fraudulent agreement with Zoomlion.

This agreement says the state should allocate 600 cedis for each sweeper per month. Out of this amount, only 180 cedis are paid to each sweeper every month. Zoomlion takes 420 cedis for each of the 45,000 workers.

Zoomlion makes 19 MILLION CEDIS EVERY MONTH from this deal. But the people in whose name the government created the program go home with 180 cedis.

Madam First Lady, what can 180 cedis buy in today’s Ghana? Note that they don’t have health insurance, transport allowance, or pension benefits. Nothing!

Your husband, President Akufo-Addo, and his party spoke against this “wickedness and fraud” while in opposition. They said President Mahama could not deal with the heartless contract because he was directly benefitting from it.

I have no evidence to show that your husband is a beneficiary of Jospong’s rot, but there is enough evidence that he is one of the loudest cheerleaders of Jospong.

I have been talking about this issue since 2013, but it keeps getting worse. I’m writing you this letter to urge you to think about it and act, as a mother who has children.

How would you feel if any of your daughters does this harmful job and comes home with $13 at the end of the month? Remember those treated this way are people’s wives and husbands and children. They’re children of God.

Kindly appeal to the conscience of your husband. He should not preside over this wickedness and do nothing. There is a God up there who hears the cries of these mistreated Ghanaians.

Do something about it, Madam. Do not harden your heart like your husband. Push this deal. Remember what Mordecai told Esther when she was reluctant to intervene for the Jews before the King:

“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

The helpless sweepers are the persecuted Jews of Ghana.

Yours sincerely,

Manasseh Azure Awuni

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